RULES: Type in your first name and the word "needs" in quotes (" [Your name] needs”) INTO YOUR FAVORITE SEARCH ENGINE and see what comes up. List the first 10 sentences that make sense and then tag some of your friends - and don't forget to tag me back too!
1. Arufian needs arukanojo.
* yeah I need her ... but ...
2. Arufian needs convert to MS Project.
* ahaha past job
3. Arufian needs sleeps.
* very sleepy
4. Arufian needs to sacrifice.
* mm.. is it not enough ?
5. Arufian needs to stop socializing and start working.
* ehehehe.... yeah .. working is killing me day by day
6. Arufian needs to programatically create and manipulate office.
* great idea
7. Arufian needs an unique Private Number Plates.
* hmmp ... what for ?
8. Arufian needs to really play.
* play it and win it
9. Arufian needs to stop complaining !
* maybe is true, I am too much complaining
10. Arufian needs to be immediately connected PC.
* its more than a need
ps: tagged by: Kartika Monoarfa from Facebook